Research Areas
Faculty research involves a broad range of activities that are at the frontiers of chemical and biomedical engineering fundamentals and have application to relevant industrial problems. The faculty possess a broad range of experience and are routinely in contact with industrial counterparts. This contact enables them to convey a practical experience and perspective on many of the fundamental concepts that are presented in our programs. Current faculty interests are listed below.
Biomedical Engineering

Applications include: rehabilitation engineering, biomechanics, biomedical imaging, biomaterials, cancer immunology, toxicology, biosensors, human gait, sports biomechanics, bionanotechnology, biomimetics, drug delivery, systems biology, cellular signal transduction pathways, bioengineering, medical diagnostics, micro-fabrication, and electrophysiological cell characterization
- Margaret Bennewitz
- Stephen Cain
- Cerasela Zoica Dinu
- Robin Hissam
- David Klinke
- Srinivas Palanki
- Soumya Srivastava
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering

Applications include: shale gas utilization, catalysis in refining processes, coal and biomass conversion, systems biology and kinetics, carbon dioxide capture, catalysts for hydrogenation chemistry
Materials and Transport

Applications include: bionanomaterials, magnetic materials, carbon dioxide capture and storage, enhanced oil and gas recovery, polymer processing, polymer and food rheology, polymer composites, health effects of nanomaterials, hydrogen production, fuel cells, chemical looping, natural gas upgrading, hydrocarbon separation, wastewater treatment, descalination, and micropollutant removal.
- Margaret Bennewitz
- Cerasela Zoica Dinu
- Nagasree Garapati
- Rakesh Gupta
- Jeremy Hardinger
- Wenyuan Li
- Oishi Sanyal
- Soumya Srivastava
Process Systems Engineering

Applications include: integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, Chemical Looping, Fuel Cells, Dynamic Modeling, Real-time Optimization, Process Control, Process Design and Intensification, State Estimation, Modular Energy Systems and Sustainability